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Buying and selling a home is about trust, knowledge & problem solving. Trust | Knowledge | Fun I love looking at houses and discovering new neighborhoods, and I am inspired when I see people’s eyes light up when they are excited about a home. Building trust and relationships during the process of buying and selling is essential to succeeding in real estate. Fluid communication is key to that success, and that includes listening carefully to my clients and asking the right questions to find them perfect solutions. All in all, buying and selling homes is a serious business, but I like to have fun with my clients along the way. In my ‘first life” I was a certified health coach & licensed property & casualty agent having the skills of communication, negotiating, consulting, problem solving and as a former health coach, I am a great listener and researcher and ask a lot of questions! My passions • Within Colorado, • Staying active: Biking, skiing, hiking, walking, fitness • Exploring new neighborhoods and discovering hidden gems • Fulfill my passion for health & wellness I volunteer leading a First Place 4 Health Wellness Ministry. My family: My husband & two adult sons & pup Missy.
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