2023 HOA.com
community impact Events

Be a local leader in your community by partnering with HOA.com for upcoming local events!

upcoming HOA.com community impact events

Completed 2023 Events


  • I Have a Dream – MLK Jr. Day
  • National Hobby Month


  • National Bake for Family Month
  • Spread Love for Valentines Day


  • March Madness Brackets
  • St. Patrick’s Day


  • Golden Rule Week
  • Great Easter Egg Hunts


  • New Homeowners Day
  • Mother’s Day


  • Father’s Day
  • American Patriots in Business Local Mixers

Community Impact Event: 
I Have a Dream – Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Date: January 16, 2023
Details: At HOA.com, we have a dream. A dream that all children of the world have access to empowering education that helps them fulfill their potential and achieve their dreams.

We believe every child and person on the planet has the power to change the world. That is our dream and that’s why we’re on a mission to help people share their dreams and attract the resources they need to succeed.

Community Impact Event: 
National Hobby Month

Date: January, 2023
Details: It’s National Hobby Month and we want to know what your favorite hobbies are for you, your friends, and your family. 

Go comment on our video on the HOA.com Facebook post. 

February, 2023

Community Impact Event: 
National Bake for Family Month

Date: February, 2023
Details: Throughout the month of February, it’s time to head to the kitchen during National Bake for Fun Family Month! Whether you’re baking up something sweet or sugary or prefer more savory dishes, share your favorite recipe with us on social by tagging us at HOA.com with #myfavoritedish! 

Community Impact Event: 
Spread Love for Valentines Day

Date: February, 2023
Details: February is the month of LOVE, and we want to know how you spread your love for Valentines Day for one of our Community Impact campaigns.

Community Impact Event: 
American Heart Month

Date: February, 2023
Details: February marks American Heart Month, where we here at HOA.com want to share the love and spread awareness to educate the public about heart disease and stroke in children, young adults, and the older generations.

HOA.com will match 50% of the total amount of donations to the American Heart Association through HOA.com!

July, 2022

Community Impact Event:
Back to School

Date: August, 2022
Details: #backtoschool2022 is just around the corner, and for some it has already started!

HOA.com is leading our communities to help provide school supplies for children who are in need.

August, 2023

Community Impact Event:
Back to School

Date: August, 2022
Details: #backtoschool2022 is just around the corner, and for some it has already started!

HOA.com is leading our communities to help provide school supplies for children who are in need.

September, 2023

October, 2023

November, 2023

December, 2023

May, 2023

Community Impact Event: 
Mother’s Day

Date: May 14, 2023
Details: Mother’s Day, holiday in honor of mothers that is celebrated in countries throughout the world. In its modern form the holiday originated in the United States, where it is observed on the second Sunday in May. Many other countries also celebrate the holiday on this date, while some mark the observance at other times of the year. 

Community Impact Event: 
House of Refuge Volunteer Event

Date: May 20, 2023
Details: Join us and support by lending a hand at the House of Refuge for a volunteer group project.

June, 2023

Community Impact Event: 
Father’s Day

Date: June 17, 2023
Details: Father’s Day 2023 is a special day to celebrate the love and appreciation of all the amazing dads out there. Father’s Day is a time to celebrate the unique bond between a father and his children, and to express gratitude for all he does for his family.

We invite you to tag HOA.com on your social posts to include us in honoring and celebraiting all the amazing dads out there!

Community Impact Event: 
HOA.com Quarterly Produced Local Event

Date: June 22, 2023
Details: Location is TBD, but local Phoenix based event will happen in the East Valley. 

You too can host a local event powered by HOA.com! Let’s get something on the books!

July, 2023

Community Impact Event: 
Independence Day

Date: July 4, 2023
Details: America’s Independence Day! We’ll tell you where all the hot spots are to bring your friends and family to watch the fireworks and build life-long memories together!

Community Impact Event: 
Hire a Veteran Day

Date: July 25, 2023
Details: It’s National Hire a Veteran Day!

Our goal here is to bring awareness to those who have served that are not currently employed, to help families across the nation!

August, 2023

Community Impact Event: 
Back To School

Date: August 1, 2023
Details: HOA.com is bringing professionals who serve homeowners together and doing a school supply drive to donate items to those parents who are unable to afford new backpacks, clothes, shoes, and supplies for their child for the 2023-24 school year.

Community Impact Event: 
Community Prep Event for Holidays!

Date: August, 2023
Details: We have designed a quick downloadable PDF that will give you the blueprint to host a local event in your community, specifically designed for you to get to know your neighbors and what they do!

Did you know you have a plumber in your neighborhood? Mechanic? Painter?

Connect with us at Success@HOA.com to get the full list and discuss how you can become more involved, we’ve also added a link to the downloadable blueprint below:

Stay Tuned for Q4 Events

Do you want to Get more involved in your community?

It may be a perfect opportunity to speak with HOA.com about becoming a Community Connector. If you want to help people in your community, host events, and put smiles on faces – this may be a perfect fit for you!
