Tag: great

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How Much do Solar Panels Reduce Energy Costs in Sun City, AZ

To estimate how much solar panels will reduce energy costs in Sun City, AZ, the following information should be considered: * ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY RADIATION APPROXIMATION FOR SUN CITY, AZ IS 5.6 KWH/M^2/DAY * AVERAGE MONTHLY UTILITY BILL IN SUN CITY, AZ IS $247.16 WHAT HAPPENS TO THE SOLAR RADIATION THAT ISN’T ABSORBED BY A…
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How to Identify if Your Home has Mold in Denver, CO

Mold can be difficult to track in a home. Mold involves fungi that feed on cellulose, often found in clay-based paints, carpeting, or fabrics, and when there is too much moisture, mold can begin to grow. Mold spores are typically microscopic so the only way to actually see them is by using magnification devices such…
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2022 is the Year to Add a Fresh Exterior Coat of Paint in Phoenix, AZ

Home-buyers are often surprised with how quickly homes in Arizona can experience wear and tear.  Those who have lived in the Valley of the Sun for a year realize that this is due to our intense sun exposure, extreme heat, unmatched humidity levels, unmatched wind speed, lack of water, lack of plant life suitable to…
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