In terms of top types of hardwood flooring for Denver, CO homes, homeowners have a wealth of options. There are many varieties of solid and engineered wood flooring available to choose from. In addition, there are several different finishes that can be applied to the top layer of these floors which will alter their appearance and durability.
Hardwood flooring is most commonly made from one of three types of trees: teak, mahogany, and walnut. Each type has a unique color variation and its own set of benefits and drawbacks in regards to upkeep requirements and cost.
The flooring you choose to lay in your home will be a highly personal decision. However, there are some floor types that lend themselves better to use in certain parts of the house versus others.
Teak Solid Wood Flooring
Teak is known for its golden coloration and fine visible grains. This type of flooring tends to have a two-toned look due to these features which can give certain rooms a very modern or traditional style depending on what type of finish is put on it.
Pros: Teak wood flooring is ranked as one of the most durable floor types out there and can last upwards of 50 years if properly maintained. It also does not require any type of sealing or finishes, making it extremely easy to care for.
Cons: Teak flooring is known for its high cost, although some types within the range are considered to be relatively affordable. It also only comes in two different styles (decorative and smooth) which may limit your flooring choices depending on what you’re looking to use it for.
Mahogany Solid Wood Flooring
Mahogany flooring has a very rich coloration due to its dark red tone. The visible grains can vary from floor type to floor type, but they are usually quite small and uniform.
Pros: Mahogany flooring’s natural color makes it ideal for rooms with light colored walls that have white or off-white trim.
Cons: This floor type is one of the most expensive floor types you can buy, so it’s not usually a good fit for budget homes. It also requires periodic refinishing or sealing to prevent staining, which means more work on your part.
Walnut Solid Wood Flooring
This floor type is known for its rich brown color with visible grains that have a tendency to vary in size. The larger grain patterns are usually sought-after by homeowners who want their flooring to be unique, while small grain walnut flooring blends into the background better for rooms with dark walls, etc.
Pros: Because this type of flooring has such a subtle appearance, it can easily blend into any room without taking away from the flooring that is already there.
Cons: This floor type’s natural coloration tends to highlight any imperfections in the floor, making it appear slightly less aesthetically pleasing than some other floor types. It also requires regular refinishing or sealing as a means of protection.
Schedule an appointment at (720) 637-1260.