With Father’s Day 2022 just around the corner, we here at HOA.com have put together a Virtual Impact campaign to celebrate all the great dads and fathers out there!
Virtual Impact Event: #FathersDay2022
Date: 6/19/2022
Event Start Date: 6/10/2022 – share your story here now
Hashtags: #FathersDay2022 #HOA.comDads
Presented by: HOA.com
Here’s how to participate:
- Head to your social media platform of choice (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.) and create a new post answering this question.
What’s the best advice your father has ever given you?
- Share it in a video, text or upload a photo of you and your dad (Don’t forget to tag your dad!)
- Hashtag it with #FathersDay2022 and #HOA.comDads #virtualimpact and click publish comment! We love to read them and share it with our growing communities.
With the goal of sharing your favorite stories about your father and/or some of the best advice that he’s given you throughout the years – we invite you to head over to the AmazingDads HOA.com Facebook page and show your love. Include photos, videos, and of course the hashtag #FathersDay2022 and #HOA.comDads #virtualimpact
Thanks so much for participating in our Virtual Impact campaign. Cheers to all the dads out there and happy Father’s Day from all of us at HOA.com!
Are you interested in getting more involved within your community? HOA.com hosts and promotes Virtual Impact and Community Impact events where we can come together both virtually and in-person to impact our communities and stay involved.